Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) – A New Concept in treatment of cervical erosion.
Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP) – A New Concept in treatment of cervical erosion.
PRP is a new concept in treatment of cervical erosion.
Cervix is the mouth of the uterus. Erosion or wounds on the cervix is a very common ailment, due to chronic infection. It leads to symptom like white discharge, burning sensation, post coital bleeding, painful intercourse, lower abdomen pain and low backache.
Traditional treatment that we have been using since ages is antibiotics, vaginal pessaries and cryotherapy (or controlled destruction of tissue by freezing). But this causes a lot of post-operative discharge for 2-3 weeks which is trouble some. We now use a New Modality – Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP is a new concept which is being used for tissue repair and regeneration. Platelets from patients own blood releases growth factors which have been found to promote natural healing and attracts stem cells to the site of injury, which help in regeneration of tissue.
Blood is collected from patient in our laboratory and PRP is prepared in 30-40 minutes time. This PRP is applied on the cervical erosion. There is no need of any anaesthesia, and this can therefore be done on OPD basis, so patient can be sent home within 1 – 2 hour. There was a remarkable relief from symptoms within a week or even earlier in some patients. This was a significant advantage which was of great benefit to patients, because with cryotherapy white discharge postoperative for 2- 3 weeks was very difficult to handle.
So PRP offers a promising modality for treatment of cervical erosion, an economical option, generated from patient’s own blood (so no chance of any reaction) & provides early relief from symptoms without any side effects.